
16 03 2009

So in the past week I have: woken up to snow, played frisbee in the 80 degree sun, splashed through the spring rain, and shivered back from class on some chilly days.
Virginia weather is out of control.

Transitioning from spring break to school life was pretty busy. I had projects to present, papers to write and tests to take. Now that most of those things are out of the way, I’m just focusing on English work. I have to do this really long ridiculous journal that I’ve been procrastinating on, as well as finish my midterm- due thursday, and oh yeah, read two more books. Welcome to my life for the next 3 years— at least I enjoy it… usually.
This weekend was awesome, Liz spent the last few days of her spring break at UMW, so we got to legit hang out for the first time in awhile- really good. We celebrated Colin and Christine’s birthdays with a joint NSFTM/BONEFRAGMENTS show/party  scenario. I’m not really sure what was going on, but that night was totally ridiculous, and totally great.
And we only got 2 noise complaints. good.
Liz and I helped our friend Monica shave her head saturday night. I personally am too scared to shave my head, but I think that it looks awesome when girls do it. The American beauty standard calls for girls to have long, pretty hair to make them more “beautiful”. This is complete bull- who says that girls don’t look freaking hot with no hair. Shaving one’s head is about breaking the beauty standard, about standing up for women’s rights, for feminism.  I definitely heard one too many lesbian jokes while we were shaving Monica’s head. Its completely ridiculous, and honestly enraging, to hear comments like that. Stereotyping based on deeper fears/insecurities is so dumb. I was starting to get incredibly angry- when finally we finished the shaving- and Monica looked awesome. She felt so confident and happy with the outcome, I know that’s what’s important. She’s breaking beauty standards and looking great doing- rock it girl!



Listening to: “Banking on a Myth” Andrew Bird



One response

26 03 2009
liz horne

“She felt so confident and happy with the outcome, I know that’s what’s important. She’s breaking beauty standards and looking great doing- rock it girl!” loving this sentiment. she rocks it hard core. thanks for being awesome and shaving her head with me.

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